
Climate-Resillient Urban Settlements: 2024 International Short Course, May 19 – June 4, 2024, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Written by Jun Maoican

The 2024 International Short Course Program on “Redevelopment of Urban Settlements in Facing Climate Change” presents innovation and cooperation for sustainable urban development. This program is specifically and carefully designed to meet the increasing need for the adaptation of urban settlements to survive and face the challenges presented by climate change. It also aims to showcase how urban redevelopment can play a vital role in creating resilient and sustainable cities by assembling experts and students from both Universitas Amikom and the University of Baguio. Participants will be enlightened through discussions, practical workshops, and case studies for further equipping with much-needed insights and tools to help drive positive change in urban landscapes.

During this Short Course, students get so many unforgettable moments; by sharing ideas and understanding other people’s thoughts in solving the issues which are under discussion in this Short Course, and meeting different colleagues with different backgrounds produces new ways of thinking. Along with that, during the Short Course, it provides master classes, cultural tours, workshops, exhibitions, final presentations, and talk shows.

Probably one of the big thing takeaways from this class was sustainability. Urban redevelopments aren’t about building construction but rather about developing green communities: using green materials in construction, integrating renewable sources of power, and developing green spaces. Think about how parks, solar panel fields, and bike routes can all coexist peacefully; a daydream that could be reality if one is just dedicated enough.

Besides the theoretical inputs, the course included inspiring case studies of how cities have been undertaking strategies for urban redevelopment. For instance, there are cities that have transformed their waterfronts into bustling public spaces, doubling as natural barriers against flooding. Such examples are really motivating and give templates to others.

The lessons underlined by the International Short Course declare that every minute counts as we march into the future. Urban redevelopment is a process, not an event. By continuously learning and adapting, cities can nurture an enabling environment that would allow them not only to resist climate change but also thrive in it. The world is currently faced with some unprecedented climatic challenges, and it’s about time one got equipped with the knowledge and skills related to urban transformation. Do not be left behind as the world takes a lead in this important discussion and action. Be part of the movement for the redevelopment of urban settlements toward opening a sustainable future.