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UBCCSD PeerCADA spearheads in Changing the Narrative: World Suicide Prevention Day

Written by Joi Mari Angelique A. Mina

In celebration of the World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10, 2024 the University of Baguio community was colored in yellow which was spearheaded by the UBCCSD PeerCADA with the theme, “Changing the Narrative on Suicide – Start the Conversation”. A One-Day Booth consisted of a range of activities and resources to ensure everyone could participate meaningfully. It started with a Freedom Wall, selling of Friendship Rings, giving away of Inspirational Quotes and Messages, having an online Self-care Bingo Game, having Referral Forms and brochures to inform the students about the CCSD services and the UB PeerCADA community, together with sharing of free Yellow Ribbons that signifies support to this vital cause.

The University of Baguio gives great priority to ensuring the wellbeing of all its students and staff. They foster strong foundational support and highlight cultures of understanding and inclusivity within the UB community. Creating bonds of opportunities and boundless possibilities have been an integral part of UB’s journey of transcending boundaries and bridging distances. This helps to embrace the collective responsibility of each and every one in building a community deeply involved in such advocacies.

This powerful day of global observance brought together not only students but the whole UB Community uniting everyone in a shared mission of changing the narrative on suicide. Suicide has been shrouded in silence, negativity, and misunderstanding for a very long time. The hardest words to say are the most important. This hindered many to speak up and seek for the necessary help and support they desperately need. Through this event of the UB CCSD PeerCADA, Ubians were given the opportunity to take part in this global campaign as they stand united in the commitment to reduce suicide, champion hope and empower individuals to take meaningful actions, and to change the narrative, from one of despair to one of hope.